Annual Report
For Equity and sustainable development
96, Surya Nagar
1st Floor, Unit-VII
Dear Friends,
To take advantage of your good wishes and faith on behalf of Sahayog I expressed my hearty regards. We are pleased to present this miniature of Sahayog’s Annual Report 2014-15, where consistency in work enriched experience and expertise the Organization to move forward.
This was a year of accelerating momentum of our Organization, which saw continuous growth in experience and expertise in community health and consistency in work towards the most vulnerable people in need. We demonstrated the value being created by our continuous effort towards people centric advocacy in the field maternal and child health, communicable diseases(TB), rights of people with disability, patients right etc.
1.1 Key Highlights
- Revisit of Citizen Voice & Action in second consecutive year in 4 ICDS and one Community Health Center in Ganjam district and in 4 ICDS Centre in Khordha District.
- Observation of Breastfeeding Week in Bhubaneswar & Khordha.
- Community based maternal death review Rayagada.
- Global Week of Action for eliminating preventable under 5 mortality's.
- Adolescent Reproductive & Sexual Health training program
- Advocacy for Tuberculosis prevention and care
- Advocacy for education rights of children with disability on 3rd December 2014.
- Play the right card with school children and slum children on the eve of 25th year of UNCRC Day
- Integrate loss to follow up students in School
- Strengthening of Block Level Differently able persons Associations (Sangathan).
- Rescue and rehabilitation work for person in need
- Workshop & Seminar
- IEC material (Odia) development and distribution.
We envisage
In the ongoing year we expect to enrich our work both individually and collectively fighting for zero tolerance of maternal and child death, death due to preventable communicable diseases (TB), power and support the cause of disability, issues of adolescence.
Thankfully we acknowledge the blessing of Almighty in our effort and hopeful at our end some other support apart from existing support system financially, technically or physically will come up with time.
Jai Hind!!!
Bijayalaxmi Rautaray
Actions of the Year 2014-15:
Prosperity of a nation depend on overall growth and well being of her people. Growth well being simultaneously based on health and education. For which people’s initiation, participation and timely supervisions are very important. The Organization realized from experience that compartmental approach in work never bring sustainable development and also not working every time. So networking with like minded Organization and forums are the necessity of time in transforming the life of most vulnerable & marginal people. Among the fore runner partner and networks are Child Health Now (CHN), Voice of Patients (VOP), 9 Is mine Campaign, Partnership for Maternal & New Born child Health (PMNCH), Common Health Coalition for Maternal and Neonatal Health and Safe Abortion (CMNHSA), Community Development Medicinal Unit (CDMU) & Stop TB Partnership.
Action Health:
Action Health:
Health is wealth. For any flourished country healthy citizens are most vital point. But the point is the system must be approachable and accessible that people’s health need automatically achieved. Service, access to service and knowledge to have it are very essential things in each and every point. Unfortunately we are lagging behind many small poor countries in reaching health service to the poor. In India, our Odisha is one of the poor performing state of the country in each respect from health care services, to accessibility or knowledge level. Health seeking behavior of our People also sometimes puling our progress downward. To be a defender for the cause of health especially RMNCH+A the Organization has been working with serenity in the bygone year alone and in association with different forums in several platforms.
Citizen Voice & Action (CV&A):
In the second consecutive year with the support of Child Health Now Campaign funded by World Vision India the Organization make a follow up program in the same 4 ICDS centers of Ganjam & Chhatrapur Block along with Khandadeuli CHC of Ganjam. Citizen Voice and Action is a tool to understand the program, involve and monitor its performances. To have a better understanding of the reality same actions repeatedly can make some sustainable changes. This was reflected during the process follow up. PRI members, GKS members, members of Mother’s Committee, Vigilance Committee, teachers, community people, and adolescent girls, boys, pregnant and lactating women all were a part of the entire process. This year newly adopted Muktapur Village in Mallipur Gram Panchayat of Khordha district the Organization initiate Citizen Voice and action process. AWW and community people, mothers committee, vigilance committee, mothers of preschool children were participated in the process. Where emphasis led on preschool education along with SNP and immunization Progam through Anganwadi Center.
Breastfeeding Week:
On the eve of World Breast feeding week Sahayog developed IEC material on behalf of Child
Health Now campaign with the technical support from IYCF Expert, Unicef Bhubaneswar, Pragyan Choudhury and endorsed by W&CD, Department Government of Odisha to use the Calendar in ICDS Center. Apart from State level Breast feeding week observation and release of Calendar the Organization distributed and paste Calendar in 100 ICDS Centers, DH, CHC, PHC and Sub Centers in Khordha, Ganjam and Jagatsinghpur districts. Counselling of pregnant and lactating mothers in community and ICDS centers during VHND.
Community Base Maternal Death Review:
Sahayog in its’ own effort track maternal death in the year 2014-15 from newspaper as well as information received from other reliable sources. As team Sahayog already acquainted with the community based maternal death review from National Alliance for Maternal Health & Human Rights, New Delhi done four community based maternal death review to highlight the social determinants of maternal deaths which has been lost in searching only bio-medical causes of death in Rayagada district. Bulbul Swain, Bibhamayee Mohanty and Bijayalaxmi Rautaray done the daunting task on hills.
Global Week of Action:
There are countless children around the world, the poorest and most vulnerable, who die unseen, unregistered, and unable to access the kind of health services that could save their lives. Supporting the cause of prevention of preventable death causes of under5 mortality Global Week of Action organized in State level at Bhubaneswar. As a lead partner of the Child Health Now campaign Odisha Chapter Sahayog took the lead to organize a“Mini Marathon” on 26th May 2014 to raise greater consciousness of people to stand together and raised the voice of support with demands Child Health Now. To spread the message to more people and divergent of groups the organization also able to reach in different community from 28th May to 31st May and raised the supporters towards preventable death cause of under five children.
Adolescent Reproductive & Sexual Health:
The period of adolescence is the most critical age in a human life and more often related to sexual and reproductive health? Moreover it’s likely to happen sexual and reproductive health always treated as shameful and open talking is a taboo. Important thing is knowledge on own self can be more helpful than anything else. The Organization prepared package for adolescent reproductive and sexual health as well as personal hygiene with life skill training kit and helped partner Organizations during training to adolescents’. 65 girls from different age groups participated in two days long Adolescent Reproductive & Sexual Health Awareness program in November 2014 at NMM Ucha Bidyapitha, Muktapur, Khordha. Where quiz competition organized among the girls to relax those and ask questions easily. The Organization supportSama Sama Organization New Delhi for advocacy on adolescent health through assessing the situation of Adolescent’s health programmes and ARSH strategy in Khordha District.
Advocacy for Tuberculosis Prevention & Care:
Tuberculosis one of the deadly curable killer disease in India as well as Odisha. The Organization supported Voice of Patient forum on the eve of World TB day in publishing and wide circulation of Report card an analysis on TB case detection trend, and increasing number of missing cases in Odisha. Sahayog in each training session kept 15minutes awareness session on TB symptom, treatment and care.
Educational Development work:
For the growth and development of any Society a capable, educated human resource is the primary steps. But a Country like India in whole and Odisha likes states in particular getting quality and equitable education is a fancy for many. Forget about higher education in primary education there are lots of disparities and too many of our children not also have the opportunity to seat with peers and study in School. For these vulnerable deprived children Sahayog has been taking few steps;
Education Rights of Children with disability:
This year Bhinnakshyam Adhikar Mancha, Odisha along with World Vision India, Bhubaneswar organize “Bhinna Eik Bhinnakshyam Divas” a different type of world disability day program for specially advocating the education rights of children with disability. Sj. Soumya Ranjan Pattnaik Editor of Samabad, a leading academician of Odisha grace the occasion as Chief Guest, Tushar Kanti Ray eminent Public Health Expert and Mrs. Suclochana Das Spokes Person National Congress Party, Odisha as Guest of Honor. Education policy of Government and the problem of children’s with disability discussed with parents and children.
Play the Right Card:
On the eve of 25th year of United Nations Convention on the Right of Child (UNCRC) a “ Play the Right Card” program supported by 9 is mine campaign organized in Nuapada Muktapur Ucha Vidyapith, Nuapada, Khordha, Binapani Sishu Vidya Mandir, Khordha, Mumtaz Ali High School, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar and Chunkoli as well as Reksha Colony slums in Bhubaneswar. Through art, story, poem and action children tried to put their marks raising voice for child rights.
Inculcating the competitive mindset among the pupils of government school Sahayog organized science quiz, general knowledge, and essay competition among students of Nuapada Muktapur Ucha Vidyapith, Nuapada, Khordha on the eve of children’s day 2014. Early child hood education is the stepping stone for future building of a child.
General Public Utility:
Awareness and sensitization of different issues, publication, workshops and seminars the Organization did in past year for General Public interest.
Child Right Awareness:
To enhance knowledge level child, guardians, community and employers of children awareness programs were conducted. Meet dhaba, hoteliers, brick kiln’s owner aware them on child right and counseled not to engage in work before 18yrs on Children’s Day (14th Nov 2014) and UNCRC Day.
Closing the loopholes:
A small support can do wonder if there is a mission to fulfill. Sahayog received support from voice of patient to find out some issues related to the life of unknown people in need. And through appropriate measures try to make changes in their life. Sahayog visit Rayagada district to learn about the reality of maternal health, their traditional practices and community perception about health system in that area. Bulbul Swain supported in the mission. Meet patients in public places, hospitals and take the note of their problem. Support Voice of patients to take the issues in to a broader prospective. School dropout loss to follow up students integrated to schools. One mother and child in traumatic mental condition rescued by team Sahayog with support of Women Help line and child line Bhubaneswar along with Police from Lingaraj Police Station. Successfully they also rehabilitated and the case is now with the Protection officer, Khordha. Patient facing with medical malpractice and corruption those seek the support to take the case more open helped them to publish through press meet. The important thing Sahayog facilitate the process from the back without going to the front.
Strengthening Disable People’s Organization (DPO):
Some sort of physical and mental inability doesn’t mean someone is just forced to live in others mercy. As a right holder the person with disability can do for themselves if bargain collectively.Bhinnakshyam Adhikar Manch, Odisha (BAMO) sister wing of Sahayog working for them, by them and with them. Currently 10 Block level Sangathans in Jagatsinghpur, Puri and Khordha are the members of the State level Forum. Sahayog monitor regularly in a quarterly basis the work of Sangathans where issues and aspirations of the Sangathan members shared and action plan come up. On the eve of World Disability Day this year a team of representatives from Bhinnakshyam Adhikar Mancha, Odisha met the Honorable Minister of Social Justice, Govt. of Odisha Sj. Pranab Prakash Das and discussed about the issues of PWDs
Workshop & Seminar:
On the eve of Annual Day of Sahayog on 28th April 2014 a meeting was organized on Role of Madhusudan Das in making Modern Odisha “. A seminar conducted on medical malpractice, negligence and corruption in 2nd March 2015 at Red Cross Bhavan, Bhubaneswar where Doctors, Civil Society members, Health Activists and media people present and shared their concern on growing problem and agreed to work through a forum like Voice of Patient in raising the issues in different platforms. Utility of women keeping environment free from pollution a community level meeting cum awareness drive conducted on 5th June 2014.
IEC Materials:
Information has an important role in development process. But lack of resource or IEC
materials is a major challenge in Odisha. This year Sahayog developed own IEC materials and distributed for larger interest. In Odia language leaflets developed in different topics on ମହିଳା ସଶକ୍ତିକରଣ ସମ୍ବନ୍ଧରେ ଜାଣିବା କଥା, ମହିଳାଙ୍କ ସମସ୍ୟା ଓ ଆଇନଗତ ସମାଧାନ, ଖେଳ ଖେଳରେ ଶିଶୁ ଅଧିକାର ଜାଣିବା, ଯକ୍ଷ୍ମା ରୋଗ କାରଣ ଓ ନିରାକରଣ, କିଶୋରାବସ୍ଥାରେ ଜୀବନକୌଶଳ ଶିକ୍ଷା, ମ୍ୟାଲେରିଆକୁ ଜାଣନ୍ତୁ, ଦୟା ନୁହେଁ : ଆମ ଅଧିକାର ! ଏବଂ ସୁସ୍ଥ ପରିବେଶ ଆମ ଦାୟୀତୋ। A compilation of two years community voice & action program documented by Sahayog as "Citizen Voice and Action a road map towards Child Health & Education".
Make it public.